Laws – What Worker Safety Laws Apply to Me?
Injury and Illness Prevention Program
This Cal/OSHA regulation requires every California employer to establish, implement, and maintain an effective health and safety program (or “IIPP”) to promote health and safety in the workplace.
Hazard Communication Standard
This federal and state regulation requires employers to provide information to employees about the chemicals and other hazardous substances to which they may be exposed at work by providing Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), chemical labels, and training.
Emergency Action Plan Standard
Although OSHA does not explicitly require every business to have an Emergency Action Plan, most businesses need to have one to meet local city or county requirements, or because a business’ work falls under other OSHA standards that do require one. It is a good idea for every business to have an Emergency Action Plan. This OSHA regulation sets minimum requirements for what Emergency Action Plans should include when they are required.
Other Health and Safety Standards
Cal/OSHA standards describe what employers must do to protect workers from various workplace hazards. Some are general and apply to nearly all workplaces, such as those listed above. Other standards are about specific hazards found only in some workplaces.