As the pandemic started, workers at Foster Farms poultry processing plants in Fresno and Merced counties grew concerned about possible COVID-19 cases at the plants, inadequate safety measures, and lack of information in their languages. At the plant in Livingston, California for example, workers described working shoulder to shoulder without appropriate distancing nor sufficient plexiglass barriers, no staggered breaks to avoid workers congregating, and not receiving face masks regularly. They were not informed about paid sick leave and kept going to work even if they had symptoms. Soon there were fewer workers, yet the line speed was increased, causing injuries. The plant had multiple outbreaks; 9 workers died of COVID-19 in 2020.
Jakara Movement has been working in the Punjabi community for over 20 years. They are a grassroots, community building organization that works on a variety of issues, rooted in work with youth. Prior to the pandemic, they had not focused on workers’ rights or working conditions. They became involved in supporting Foster Farms workers, as about 20% are Punjabi.
Learn more about the campaign and specific strategies below.
Click here for a video of the full story.
Key Outcomes:
- Jakara Movement has become a resource for workers and an advocate for workers’ rights and better working conditions. Jakara is able to directly help workers facing problems at work and also makes referrals to other organizations and agencies. Jakara continues their outreach and organizing work with food processing workers in the community.
- Due to Jakara’s and other organizations’ advocacy, increased media attention, and the presence of the local health department and Cal/OSHA, Foster Farms increased COVID-19 protective measures for workers.
- Through their outreach, Jakara reached 15,000 – 20,000 workers in the Central Valley, helping workers to know their rights.
The Full Story:
Related Resources:
— KQED story on Foster Farms
See: Resources for Taking Action
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