Alejandra Domenzain, MA
Alejandra Domenzain is a Program Coordinator developing projects to address the health and safety of immigrant, low-wage workers in a variety of high-hazard industries. She has deep expertise in training low-literacy participants, building the capacity of community-based organizations, training of trainers, policy advocacy, strategic enforcement of labor laws, and qualitative research, partnership and funding development, and project management.
She has worked with the National Council of La Raza, the UCLA Labor Occupational Safety and Health Program, the Garment Worker Center, and Sweatshop Watch. Alejandra has also worked in the fields of international development, adult education, and as a credentialed public school teacher. She has a MA in Urban Planning and in Latin American Studies from UCLA, a Bachelor’s in Science of Foreign Service from Georgetown University, and a California CLEAR teaching credential.
Projects/Areas of Expertise
Interactive, skill-building training for immigrant low wage workers, including for domestic workers, day laborers, farmworkers, janitors, and restaurant workers; Sexual harassment and violence prevention; Designing materials and training programs for low-literacy participants; Leadership development, capacity-building of community-based organizations, and "training of trainers" (TOT) programs; Strategic enforcement partnerships; Designing participatory research projects, analysis of qualitative data, and report writing.
Taking Action for Safety and Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic, a multimedia video project capturing strategies to improve working conditions, with Suzanne Teran, 2022.
Taking Action Toolkit, a booklet with 5 factsheets on strategies for taking action to improve workplace health and safety, with Suzanne Teran, in English and Spanish, 2022.
Few Options, Many Risks: Low-Wage Asian and Latinx Workers in the COVID-19 Pandemic, in collaboration with Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus, written by Helen Chen, Victoria Chan, Alejandra Domenzain, and Winifred Kao, 2021.
For All/ Para Todos, bilingual children’s book about immigrant and worker rights, 2021.
Employer Guide to Health and Safety for Day Laborers, in English and Spanish (2019).
Safe and Respectful Workplaces: Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Janitorial Industry, in English and Spanish, co-written with Helen Chen and Suzanne Teran (2019). The CA legislature mandated use of this curriculum for all legally required sexual harassment prevention training in the janitorial industry.
The Perfect Storm: How Supervisors Get Away with Sexually Harassing Workers Who Work Alone at Night by Helen Chan, Alejandra Domenzain, and Karen Andrews, 2016.
Reinforcing the Seams: Guaranteeing the Promise of California’s Landmark Anti-Sweatshop Law, by Nicole Archer, Nikki Bas, Joannie Chang, Christina Chung, Alejandra Domenzain, Judy Marblestone, and Marci Seville, 2005.
Voices from the Margins: Immigrant Workers’ Perceptions of Health and Safety in the Workplace, by Marianne P. Brown, Alejandra Domenzain, and Nelliana Villoria-Siegert, 2002.