California Resource Network for Young Worker Health and Safety, which LOHP coordinates, offers extensive online information for working teens. Includes wage, hour, and child labor regulations. Covers safety hazards in many typical teen jobs, from fast food to agriculture.
Child Labor Coalition
CLC is made up of 45 national and international organizations (academic, labor, religious, health, child advocacy, consumer, and women’s groups). Works to strengthen child labor laws and enforcement on state, federal, and international levels.
Has job safety and labor law tips for seven occupations where teens commonly work— food service, grocery clerk, theater host, farmworker, and more. Information is in English and Spanish. Sponsored by the California Department of Industrial Relations.
Osha Teen Workers Site
Presents information on federal OSHA standards and other health and safety topics for a teen audience. Also has sections for educators, employers, and parents.
Youth Rules!
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, this site features information and activities to educate teens, parents, teachers, employers, and the public on federal and state rules regarding young workers. Explains the hours youth can work and the jobs they can do.