Laura Stock, MPH
Laura Stock is the former director of the Labor Occupational Health Program (LOHP). She directed and administered many of LOHP’s programs providing training, research support, materials development and technical assistance for workers, employers, health professionals, and the general public. She is continuing at LOHP working on special projects, including advancing LOHP's role in community engagement as part of the California Labor Lab and promoting a "research to practice and public policy" (R2P2P) approach to LOHP's research work.
In her over 40 years at LOHP, she developed various training programs and educational materials on occupational safety and health issues and provided technical assistance and consultation to workers, unions, joint labor/management committees, employers, policymakers and others on how to set up comprehensive and effective health and safety programs. She also collaborated with numerous researchers in occupational medicine and nursing, industrial hygiene, toxicology, epidemiology, ergonomics, and other related fields, and participated in a number of mixed methods community–based participatory research projects.
Projects/Areas of Expertise
WOSHTEP; Homecare Workers; Ergonomics
1. Malinowski B, Minkler M, Stock L. 2015. Labor unions: A public health institution. Am J Public Health.105(2):261-71.
2. Dewey R, Coelho L, Stock L. November 2014. California’s Taking Action for Safety and Health Program: Are Small Businesses Creating Effective Injury and Illness Prevention Programs as a Result of the TASH Program? Poster presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, Washington, D.C.
3. Gong F, Castaneda D, Zhang X, Stock L, Ayala L, Baron S. 2012. Using the associative imagery technique in qualitative health research: The experiences of homecare workers and consumers. Qual Health Res. 22(10):1414-24.
4. Baker R, Stock L, and Velazquez V. 2011. The Roles of Labor Unions (Chapter 32). In Occupational and Environmental Health: Recognizing and Preventing Disease and Injury, 6th edition. Levy BS, Wegman DH, Baron SL, Sokas RK, editors. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
5. Gong F, Baron S, Stock L, Ayala L. 2009. Formative research in occupational health and safety intervention for diverse, underserved worker populations: a homecare worker intervention project. Public Health Rep. 124(Supplement 1):84-9.
6. Gong F, Baron S, Ayala L, Stock L, McDevitt S, Heaney C. 2009. The role for community-based participatory research in formulating policy initiatives: promoting safety and health for in-home care workers and their consumers. Am J Public Health. 99(Supplement 3):S531-8.
7. Stock L, Baron S, Gong F, Habes D, Ayala L, Castaneda D. November 2007. Partnership for Safety: A Participatory Research Project with Homecare Workers and Consumers. Presented at APHA Annual Meeting.
8. Gershon R, DeJoy D, Borwegen B, Braun B, Silverstein B, Stock L, Cullen J. 2009. Health and Safety Culture. Chapter 6, pp 87-97. In State of the Sector – Health Care and Social Assistance: Identification of Research Opportunities for the Next Decade of NORA, NIOSH NORA HCSA Sector. NIOSH publication number 2009-138,
9. Collins J, Silverstein B, Stock L. 2009. Musculoskeletal Disorders And Ergonomic Issues. Chapter 11, pp 141-158. In State of the Sector – Health Care and Social Assistance: Identification of Research Opportunities for the Next Decade of NORA. NIOSH NORA HCSA Sector. NIOSH publication number 2009-138.
10. Baker R, Stock L. 2005. Labor Unions: Their Role in Occupational and Environmental Health (Chapter 34). In Occupational and Environmental Health: Recognizing and Preventing Disease and Injury, 5th edition. Levy BS, ed. Philadelphia, PA.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Pgs 697-709.
11. Stock L, Baron S. 2002. Health and Safety Risks for Home Care Workers. Presented at APHA Annual Meeting.
12. Sum J, Frank J, Faucett J, Stock, L. 2001. Return-to-Work in California: Listening to Stakeholders’ Voices. California Commission on Health and Safety and Workers Compensation.
13. Bush D, Gonzalez-Arroyo M, Stock L, Delp L, Miara C, Dewey R. 1999. Promoting Safe Work for Young Workers: A Community Resource Guide, a joint project of the Education Development Center, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, the Labor Occupational Health Program at UC Berkeley, the Labor Occupational Safety and Health program at UC Los Angeles, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
14. Stock L, Cone J. 1997. Barbering and cosmetology. In ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety. 100.5-100.9
15. Stock L. 1994. Training office workers for action. In Keying into the future-the impact of computerization on office workers. Ng C, Munro-Kua A, ed. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Women’s Development Collective and Women’s Studies Unit, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia.
16. Baker R, Stock L, Szudy B. 1992. Hardware to hard hats: Training workers for action (from offices to construction sites). Am J Ind Med. 22(5):691-701.
17. Stock L. 1990. New technology and workers’ health: strategies for promoting worker involvement in technological change. In Work with display units 89: International scientific conference on work with display units. Berklinguet L, Berthelette D, eds. Quebec, Canada: North Holland. September 11-14, 1989.
18. Stock L, Baker R. 1986. Worker education and the development of protective policies. In Work with display units 86: International scientific conference on work with display units. Knave B et al eds. Stockholm, Sweden: North Holland. May 12-15, 1987.
19. Soo-Jeong Lee, L. (n.d.). Impact of California Safe Patient Handling Legislation: Health Care Workers' Perspectives - Soo-Jeong Lee, Laura Stock, Victoria Michalchuk, Kelsie Adesoye, Kathleen Mullen, 2021. Retrieved February 01, 2021, from https://journals.sagepub.com/eprint/XHPDSQ2CSEGTGG4FEUCN/full