LOHP works in coalition with worker organizations, unions, and others to promote policies that improve workers’ health and safety and promote healthy jobs. We partner with organizations interested in adding a public health perspective to their advocacy, or in researching or documenting a problem and identifying policy solutions.
We have long-supported improved policies that promote worker voice and power to participate in decisions impacting their work lives, that address language access to ensure workers receive information in languages they understand, or that address retaliation and other obstacles to worker action. We have also facilitated collaborative processes with a variety of stakeholders to identify policy solutions to improve the health and safety of young workers, immigrant workers, and aging workers.
We participate in the California Alliance for Secure Employment, the Bay Area Day Labor Network, the Ya Basta Coalition, and the National Committee for Occupational Safety and Health. We are members of Cal/OSHA’s Advisory Committee.
Examples of projects:
Sexual Harassment
We investigated the problem of sexual harassment and assault among janitors and security officers and wrote a report that provides recommendations for effective sexual harassment policies, changing workplace dynamics, and improving legal and regulatory systems. SEIU-USWW and its partners used the report to fuel a historic organizing and advocacy campaign to win new legislation that mandates sexual harassment training for all workers and supervisors in the janitorial industry. LOHP participated in the advisory committee to provide input on implementing the new regulations and subsequently developed the new required training programs. Learn more.
Refinery Safety
In the wake of the 2012 explosion at the Richmond Chevron refinery – which sent about 15,000 residents to area hospitals with symptoms related to exposure to smoke and fire gases – LOHP worked with the newly formed Richmond Refinery Collaborative to improve refinery safety. In response to the Governor’s Interagency Task Force on Refinery Safety, LOHP and Collaborative members wrote a report that included recommendations developed from meetings with labor unions, community-based organizations, fire agencies, and environmental health groups. This work contributed to the improved Process Safety Management standard later adopted by Cal/OSHA.
Improve Working Conditions for Immigrant Workers
LOHP formed the Working Immigrant Safety and Health (WISH) coalition, which brought together over 50 community-based organizations, immigrant advocates, unions, health care providers, researchers, educators, and labor agencies. We facilitated a participatory process for developing strategies and policy recommendations to reduce work-related injuries and illnesses among California’s immigrant workforce. The WISH report includes policy recommendations at various levels, from strengthening state programs, to promoting local community action and engaging immigrant workers, to improved data collection and coordinated efforts to enhance training and availability of multilingual materials.