A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies
Find any federal agency on the web.
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Provides health information on many hazardous chemicals. Produces the brief Tox FAQs and the more detailed Toxicological Profiles.
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Collects, analyzes, and publishes data on the workforce, including nationwide statistics on job-related injuries and illnesses. Many publications are online.
Cal/OSHA develops and enforces state health and safety standards, investigates accidents, takes complaints from workers, and inspects workplaces. Has a Consultation Service to assist employers. Site has interpretations of standards and some publications. Also see the separate listing for Cal/OSHA standards below.
CAL/OSHA Regulations and Standards
Complete text of Cal/OSHA health and safety standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 8). Fully searchable by topic and keyword.
CAL/OSHA Reporter
A weekly commercial newsletter with comprehensive coverage of Cal/OSHA news, inspections, appeals, upcoming standards, and other developments. Some articles are available free online.
California Laws
An official state government site with text of California state laws. Fully searchable.
California Legislature Bills
An official site with information on the status of current bills in the state Assembly and Senate. Enter the bill number in the search box.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Find information here on diseases and conditions, emergency preparedness, environmental health and healthy living.
Commission on Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation
A joint labor-management body within the state Department of Industrial Relations. Researches operation of the California workers? compensation system and recommends improvements. Site has LOHP guidebook, factsheets, and video on workers? comp online.
Department of Fair Employment and Housing
The DFEH enforces, in part, the Fair Employment and Housing Act, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, ancestry, religion, age (40 and over), sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, marital status and national origin (including language restrictions) among others.
Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (Labor Commissioner)
Enforces state wage and hour regulations. Also investigates some types of discrimination, including reprisal against workers for exercising health and safety rights. Site has information on complaint procedures.
Division of Labor Statistics and Research
Compiles and publishes statistics on California job injuries, employment, and economic conditions. Some publications are online.
Division of Workers’ Compensation
Administers California workers? compensation laws and rules on disputes. Also provides information and help to injured workers. Site has online guides that describe the workers? comp system.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Researches environmental hazards and enforces some environmental laws, such as the Toxic Substances Control Act. Site has numerous environmental databases and information on regulations. Subjects include hazardous waste, air and water pollution, lead, and other toxic chemicals.
Federal Laws
A tool to search the web for federal laws.
An official site of the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) that acts as a portal to 30 million pages of U.S. Government information on the web. Has a powerful search engine, topic index, and links to state and local governments.
Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service (HESIS)
Part of the California Department of Public Health, Occupational Health Branch programs to promote healthy workplaces through education, public service, and research.The Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service (HESIS) is a public outreach program that reviews scientific literature, issues free publications, answers questions by phone, and maintains a library.
Library of Congress (Thomas)
Named for Thomas Jefferson and maintained by the Library of Congress. Site has comprehensive information on the U.S. Congress— members, committees, hearing schedules, hearing transcripts, pending and past bills. Includes text of the Congressional Record.
National Institute of Environmental Health Services (NIEHS)
A federal research and training agency. Site provides access to the Environmental Health Information Service, with free information on health effects of asbestos, lead, radon, electromagnetic fields, specific chemicals, etc. Has press releases about scientific discoveries. Includes research highlights and grant information. Also see the separate listing for the NIEHS Worker Education and Training Program below.
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
Enforces the National Labor Relations Act. Site has publications and other information about employment rights and labor laws.
National Library of Medicine
Much health information here, with some written specifically for the general public.
NIEHS Worker Education and Training Program
NIEHS (see above) sponsors this site with information on worker safety training programs nationwide. Emphasizes training on hazardous materials and hazardous waste. Lists courses available, training sites, and schedules. Has a listing of job opportunities for trainers and links to training organizations.
Occupational Health Surveillance and Evaluation Program (OHSEP)
Part of the California Department of Public Health, Occupational Health Branch programs to promote healthy workplaces through education, public service, and research. The Occupational Health Surveillance and Evaluation Program (OHSEP) conducts research.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
OSHA develops and enforces federal health and safety standards, investigates accidents, takes complaints from workers, and inspects workplaces. Operates nationwide, but can inspect only in states without their own OSHA programs. Site has standards, interpretations, proposals for future standards, enforcement statistics, a page devoted to ergonomics issues, and many online publications.
OSHA European Union Page
This federal OSHA site is devoted to cooperation between the U.S. and the European Union (EU) on occupational safety and health. It has direct links to the EU’s European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, and to individual European countries’ safety agencies.
OSHA Workers’ Page
Federal OSHA’s Workers’ Page features resources specifically for workers, including an explanation of OSHA standards and the enforcement process. Also covers worker rights and responsibilities. Complaints may be filed online. Complaints from workers in states with their own OSHA programs (such as California) will be forwarded to the state.
A U.S. Government site that helps individuals participate in the federal rulemaking process. Allows anyone to find, read, and submit comments on pending federal regulations that were published in the Federal Register and are open for public comment. Includes OSHA, EPA, etc.
State and Local Government Internet Directory
This website provides convenient one-stop access to thousands of state agencies and city and county governments throughout the U.S. Indexed by state and by topic.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Find the latest fatality data for California’s workers here.