LOHP’s activities related to Domestic Worker Safety & Dignity address the work life of immigrant Latina domestic workers, with the vision of transforming the work conditions within and the perception of this industry as undervalued women’s work to a respectable contribution to the economy.
LOHP partnered with La Colectiva, a Latina domestic workers’ organization, and Underground Advertising to create a social marketing and media campaign. Transit ads, posters, billboards and outreach events aimed at employers and workers highlight the mutual benefits gained from this work relationship and communicate key messages:
- Support safe, dignified jobs for domestic workers
- Use non-toxic products to protect the health of workers and the people they work for
The project also involved training workers on non-toxic cleaning, media skills and negotiation to improve working conditions.
Members of La Colectiva proudly appear in the campaign materials. Through a participatory process, domestic workers helped develop the messages and theme for the campaign: Comunicando poder y esperanza (Communicating Our Power and Our Hope).
For more information, visit the project website at www.lacolectivasf.org or contact: